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What's our story?

Online shopping, digital dating, gluten-free soy lattoccinos – our world has become so fast and sophisticated... At we believe there is a longing for the real and non-streamlined, for experiences that are not stage-managed.

A lot of travelers are tired of big hotel chains without any personal touch, of prefabricated dreams, of the one-size-fits-all-vacation. At we believe that there's a lot of people out there who want to connect emotionally, interact with their hosts and make unique memories. is the travel website that puts people and their stories first. Select businesses like hotels, tour operators, shops or restaurants are featured on the website from a personal perspective.


Do you know more good real people who deserve to be featured on our website?


Have you found a charming bed&breakfast in a Norwegian Fjord, have you relaxed in a spa in the middle of the Namibian desert or fallen in love with the work of a Vietnamese artist?


Please contact us! We're looking forward to meeting more inspiring good real people from all over the world!







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