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Travel back in time at the Leger

The historic gold rush era hotel is full of stories  
The lobby was the first place in Mokelumne Hill to have electric lights – and it soon turned into the town's living room.

A courthouse, a county jail, a gathering place for gold-hungry adventurers from all over the world – the charming Hotel Leger in the quaint town of Mokelumne Hill has a rich history and a lot of stories to tell. 

Hotel Leger
8304 Main St
Mokelumne Hill,
CA 95245, USA
Mokelumne Hill, the richest of the boom towns during the Gold Rush,
is conveniently located in the middle of the California Mother Lode on Historic Highway 49, aka “The Gold Chain Highway”.
George W. Leger first opened his "Hotel de France" in 1851, as a wood-framed tent. When the county seat was moved to San Andreas in 1866, Leger bought the adjoining court building and made it part of his hotel. It was known as the Grand Hotel in 1874 when fire damaged it and destroyed its dance hall. Since its restauration in 1879, the hotel has been known as the Leger Hotel. Ghost hunters say that old George W. Leger is still walking the hallways around midnight... 
The Whitewater Grill & Saloon, located inside the 165-year old Historic Hotel Leger, offers a seasonal menu of delectable house-made selections ranging from classic dishes to comfort food. During the summer months outdoor dining is available on the balcony or in the pool courtyard under the shade of 150+ year-old orange trees.  In winter, the Saloon is a comfortable place to relax and enjoy the warmth of the 100+ year-old wood stove, while sipping one of the Leger “Winter Warmers” – try the Leger Hot Apple Cider, made with locally pressed apple cider and dark rum infused in-house for 3 weeks with figs, walnuts and cinnamon! 

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